Been thinking a lot about the new edition of 40K out next week. I went in to Workshop today as it happens, and they gave me a card with the date on, I won't be going in. Not being funny, but even if I did want to go in on a day where they were releasing a new game so that you can't move for the amount of people in there, I am otherwise occupied that day! However, I have been thinking about what changes they're going to make, not necessarily with the rules, I've covered that already, but with what they're going to release, in what order, and why.
Well if they follow the pattern for the last edition, we're looking at a new rulebook next week, and sometime in September they're going to release a new boxed set for it. This leads to the inevitable speculation about what they're going to put in there. Obviously it'll include Space Marines, you can't not have Space Marines in a 40K boxed set, though the paint set that I understand has already been released is suggesting very strongly that it will be the Dark Angels who feature in the boxed set this time. Nothing wrong with that; Ultramarines have been in the last 2 boxed sets, so it won't hurt to show some love to the other chapters! (As far as I know, the boxed sets for 2nd and 3rd edition weren't based on any specific chapters of Space Marines, though the Blood Angels and Black Templars featured on their respective cover art.)
So, what's the other side going to be? Well, I'll tell you what it won't be: Imperial Guard, Grey Knights or Sisters of Battle. Thematically, the game needs to be straightforward 'Good vs Evil,' and while a lot of the rich drama in 40K includes the imperium of man fighting against itself for various different reasons, themes like this are things you can immerse yourself in when you're hooked, not when you're just getting into it. Ultimately, 40K is about Mankind's struggle for survival in a hostile galaxy, so it needs to be good guys vs bad guys, not good guys vs good guys with different ideas.
Nor will it be Chaos Space Marines. This is more to do with the rules than anything else, as Space Marines and Chaos Space Marines work in pretty much the same way. If you look at the stat line of both, the only real differences are that Space Marines have They Shall Know No Fear, whereas Chaos have a slightly higher leadership value. They still move in much the same way, they both need 3+ to hit when shooting, and will wound on 4+, they'll both get 4+ to hit and 4+ to wound in close combat and both get a save of 3+.
Contrast that with what we've got now in Assault on Black Reach, where Space Marines and Orks have substantially different stat lines and fight completely differently, and you start to see my point. If they go ahead and put Chaos in the boxed set, they'll have a situation where it actually won't matter which side you're playing because they both fight in the same way. This isn't necessarily a bad thing; Space Marines vs Chaos battles are always bloody and really good fun, but in a boxed set designed to get people into the hobby, you need that differentiation. People have got to feel a substantial difference when playing the two different sides. I would imagine they'd leave Necrons out of the boxed set as well, for much the same reason.
This leaves Eldar, Dark Eldar, Tau, Orks and Tryanids. Out of this lot we can write off Orks straight aways as they were in Assault on Black Reach; even Games Workshop wouldn't be so stupid as to release a boxed set that is so fundementally similar to the last one that their currently existing fanbase feel cheated. (Or at least, more cheated than they already do.) Tryanids and Dark Eldar have already featured in boxed sets as well; that doesn't necessarily mean they won't get featured again, but... I'd quite like to see the Eldar in there, if I'm honest. I think they're a race that's not seen a lot of light over the last few years, and are different enough from Space Marines to get a challenging experience of playing the opposite army if it comes to it.
Oh, and put some scenery in there as well, please. I've already covered this so I won't go into it too much but I still maintain that this is all that's been missing from AoBR.
So with the boxed set out of the way, what's next?
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Surely any of the Space Marine chapters could use this? |
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Let's see these in their own box... |
Of course with Orks, GW have the added incentive that they haven't had an update since 4th edition. Actually, if they time an Ork release for early next year, not only will they be able to use that 'Januwhaaarrggghhyyy' pun again, but also there couldn't really be a better time for a new Ork codex. I think in 5th edition 40k, the Orks worked pretty much as well as they needed to. In 6th, they might need a bit more of a going over depending on how the rules change, and as the archetypical 'bad guy' army for 40K, I don't think we'll have to wait too long for a new codex.
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How long have we been wating for an update to this? |
Of course, there are some Space Marine chapters that have never really had their own codex. Imperial Fists, for example, Raven Guard or Iron Hands. I can sort of see the reason for this - making an army based on these chapters is really more about who and what you have in the army rather than any special rules to apply across an entire chapter. I think that's why the current Space Marine codex relies on the Chapter Tactics special rules. What do you think? Would you like to see new codexes for these armies? Or will this open too many 'power creep' doors?
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Anyone else think it's time for an update? |
But the indisputable fact is that that all 3 of those armies need an update. Apart from anything else, GW have been introducing a lot of flyers into the more recent 40K armies, and Eldar and Tau's use of Anti-Grav technology lends itself to this perfectly. If GW follow the pattern I've predicted, then updates for these armies will be part of the mid-long term plan for the new edition of 40K. I hope it happens sooner rather than later though, because Necrons and Dark Eldar were screaming for an update near enough all the way through 5th edition and only really got one in the closing stages of the iteration. I just hope these armies get done before GW feel the need to release the Tryanids codex again. And Sisters of Battle need a proper update, with some new models and a proper codex. There's not much going for them at the moment and they've been missing out!
Anything else? I'm pretty sure, once enough of the armies have got Flyers, there'll be a Cites of Death/Planetstrike style expansion for 40K using mainly flyers. And why not? Dogfighting in the 40K Universe? Hell yeah, we'll have some of that! Bombing runs across an installation? Yeah, let's blow some shit up! Wow, that could work really well, and I'll be very surprised if this doesn't happen to one degree or another.
All in all, some exciting times for 40K. But hey, we need to see if the new rules are any good first. See you soon...