Monday, 31 December 2018

A cautious return to blogging...

It’s been a while since my last blog post where I told you all not to expect too much more from me in the future due to having to accommodate a number of significant changes in my life. Right now, we’re coming up on New Year, and with New Year comes New Year’s Resolutions. I’ve got a number of them, but for now, I’m going to try and get my gaming blog going again.
A few things have changed since I last posted. I’ve still been playing the Xbox 360 and various games on my laptop, but also I’ve been playing Kirsty’s Playstation 4, and she was kind enough to buy me a Nintendo Switch for Christmas. We’ve been having a laugh with that! I’ve not been playing as many hobby games as I used to due to time allowances, but I always enjoy it on those occasions where I do, and I’ve been fortunate enough to have acquired some new games over the last few weeks!
So I’m looking forward to writing about it all again. I’ll try and get most of my regular series going, so Last Week’s Games should come out on Mondays. One thing I’m not going to be doing next year though is playing a new game every week, as I tried to do this year. It was a well-intentioned attempt to play at least some of the games I’ve been buying, but ultimately it meant that I wasn’t getting very far on the games I was playing and I enjoyed them a lot less than I could have done.
I therefore face a new challenge this year: Trying to write about more or less the same games each week and make it sound interesting. For example, while I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the PS4, Yakuza Zero is the only game into which I’ve put any significant amount of time. I currently own two games for the Switch, (Street Fighter and Rayman,) and as I tend to buy games on the cheap, I probably won’t own too many more for a while. And on those occasions where I’m alone with my laptop long enough to play a game on it, it tends to be the same one each time now (currently Regicide.) The same is true for my Kindle Fire; the only game I’ve played on that for months is 8-Ball Pool and I really enjoy that but there’s a certain amount of skill involved with it, rather than clicking things to make things happen until it starts demanding money. My 360 is always there but the only game I’ve played on that for a while is XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Some semblance of progression on at least one game a week should be enough for me to find something to write about, we’ll see how that pans out.
As for the Hobby games, it’s as and when I can find the time. I’ve had to drop the Black Country Role Playing Society indefinitely; we’ll see how things pan out but it will be a long time, if ever, before I will be able to return. I’ve still got the monthly RPG group; that tends to be pretty constant. I’m hopefully going to be having some games nights around my flat so I might get some board games in. The Wargames, have had a massive slowdown, as it’s a faff to make it happen; I’ve missed painting my models but requires a certain amount of planning and deliberation to find time to do it, which if I’m honest sucks a lot of the fun out of it. Doing it with two or more people in order to actually play a game is something I haven’t attempted in years (I just go down to the relevant shops and played a game with whoever is there.) You can be rest assured that on those occasions where I do manage to get a game in, I’ll be writing about it!
2019 will going to be an interesting year, whatever happens. I hopefully won’t buy too many more games in the future but I might at least get a better “Bought : Beaten” ratio than I’ve manged for the last few years!