With a well-received week off one of my two jobs, I found
myself with a bit more time to play games this week, including some important
finishers. Let’s see what they were:
I recently downloaded Hydro Thunder Hurricane for free from
Xbox Live Gold, and inspired by Youtube’s MetalJesusRocks, who likes games like
this, I thought I’d give it a go. It’s a speedboat racing game, and is good
fun; it has a good selection of modes and there’s plenty to unlock. I probably
won’t ever complete it, as some of the achievements rely on local multiplayer
of all things; I currently only have one controller. But I’ll dip in to it now
and then to see what it’s got to offer.
Also I had another look at a game I’d been meaning to finish
for roughly five years and have now got round to coming back to: Lock’s Quest
on the Nintendo DS. I started the campaign again as I’d forgotten most of the
plot and the mechanics, but I found it coming back to me quickly enough, even
if I had forgotten how hard the game is! I’ll try and get to the end of it this
time, when it’s convenient for me to be playing a handheld system.
But the Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection is still in my
Xbox360 and is not leaving any time soon. I can’t think of any other Xbox360
game other than XCOM: Enemy Unknown that I’ve got more mileage from during the
time I’ve had the console. I gave Shinobi III another go, and very nearly got
to the end. I lost on the last stage; the fighting is easy enough but at one
point you come into a section of the final level where most of the floors and
walls are electrified, and you need some precision platforming in order to
survive; I just don’t have the right set of skills! Also, during a quiet night
at work, I transcribed the tune “Whirlwind” from the game’s soundtrack into
Guitar Pro. One of my hobbies is listening to old video game music and
transcribing them; it’s a great way to train my musical ear!
I attacked Streets of Rage II as well, because why wouldn’t
I. Once again I fell down on the last boss rush, however I’ve been varying my
runs by playing as Axel every so often. Normally I would play Max, but Axel has
his own charm. His Grand Upper attack does a huge amount of damage, and
spamming it is a great approach to most of the bosses, but I find other aspects
of his style a little hard to deal with – he’s nowhere near as good with the
heavy weapons as Max.
I played, and to my surprise beat, Vectorman 2. After being
stuck on the fifth level for goodness knows how long, I took a more methodical approach
to playing the game, and got to the eleventh level with a good amount of lives
in reserve. Feeling that I had a good chance of beating the game, I ploughed
ahead to the end and did just that. You can read my full review here.

Finally, I played the oddly-titled The Story of Thor.
Oddly-titled because in North America and Europe it’s actually called Beyond
Oasis, which makes more sense in the context of the game, and also the story
has nothing to do with any iteration of the character Thor that I am aware of.
It was called The Story of Thor in Japan. Nonetheless, it’s a pretty good
Zelda-like RPG, designed for the Mega Drive’s 6-button controller and with surprisingly
good graphics and sound. I’ve enjoyed my time with it so far, though I’ve only
got as far as I needed to unlock the Water shrine, which is what I needed to do
to get the achievement points.
This brings my quest to get all the achievement points for
the Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection to an end, and it’s been quite a
journey! There’s still mileage out of some of the games and I don’t think I’ll
ever say goodbye to Streets of Rage 2 again, but it’s still a milestone for me.
The sound transcription results are excellent! Is anyone else doing this?
ReplyDeleteQuite a few people do it, they record themselves with live instruments as well. I haven't got the skill or equipment to do that yet but you never know!