Gribble Gribble Gribble... |
If you caught last month’s blog, you’ll remember that in June
I’d begun painting some Space Hulk Genestealers. Here they are all finished; it’s
not a great quality picture but you should be able to see I’d put on the top
highlight of the carapace, the teeth, the tongues, the claws and the base. I
doubt it’s the best you’ll ever see it done – I’ve not done Tyranids a great
many times before this – but they’re good enough to do the job!
Let's see how these get on in the game... |
After that, I bought one more box of Chaos Space Marine Raptors
to add to my 500pt Black Legion force. I’ve been banging these out since late
last year and got into a kind of rhythm in painting them. I’ve quite enjoyed
painting black Chaos Space Marines again; it means that the undercoat is
generally all you need to do for the armour with just a bit of Abbadon Black to
tidy up any splodges afterwards – I use dry brushing to do the top highlight on
the gold trimmings, which is an effective but imprecise technique. I made a
careless blunder the first time I painted a squad of these Raptors – I didn’t realise
what the tops of the jump packs were supposed to match the armour and painted
them silver. But I don’t like going back to correct models once I’ve finished
them; I have far too many of the things to justify over-correcting my work! So,
I just ran with it, and now the whole army looks like that. If it looks like you
meant it, you’ll generally get away with it.
This time, I wasn’t quite as pleased with the special effects
painting as I normally am. You can make out the plasma gun in the picture; I usually
paint it neater than that. I wasn’t particularly pleased with the Power Sword either;
I try to build this up from layers of green and light grey and then white at
the top. It works, but not well, and even for this pretty tough technique, I
didn’t make a very good job of it. Also, the Champion has the helmet of a Space
Marine beneath his feet. Whenever I get this (and it’s happened five times so
far!) I try to paint them as a different Space Marine chapter, to bring the
idea across that the Black Legion have been battling Space Marines for millennia
and have fought them all. You can’t really tell from the picture but that was
supposed to be a Dark Angels helmet.
Death to the Iron Hands! |
To complete the army I painted Haarken Worldclaimer (and
incidentally, when saying that name I put a glottal stop in between the two “A”s
and until someone tells me what that extra A is supposed to add to the pronunciation
I’m going to keep doing it no matter how annoying it gets.) This was painted similarly
to the rest of the army, with a couple of exceptions: The two weapons had an
extra top-highlight of Runefang Steel and a bit of Stormhost Silver – I don’t
usually do this with Black Legion as I want the Gold to be the brightest
colour. The odd purple skull at the back was Screamer Purple with a highlight
of Sigmarite, and the bright runes on the Helspear were build up from red to
orange in the same way I would normally do the eyes. The blur on the photo
makes it look a lot better than it is! I decided to paint the dead Space Marine
from the Iron Hands chapter – partly because I haven’t forgotten being brutalised
by them in the summer of 2014 and I want revenge, and partly because as the
Raven Guard use black helmets as well, I needed something else to distinguish
them. As the dead Space Marine has his hands, I decided to paint the Iron Hand’s
Iron Hands, er, Iron.
That’s where I’m going to leave that army for now; until I
know how the update to the rules of Warhammer 40K is going to affect the points
values I won’t be adding anything new. But I’ve still got plenty to paint, and
I should be finished with some more Space Hulk Terminators by next month!
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