Thursday 25 June 2020

Last Week's Games: Speculations, Sine Mora, Warhammer Battlemarch, Anno 1602

It’s been a while since the last blog, sorry about that. The main reason, and one of the main problems I have with working from home,[1] is that I find it very difficult to justify doing any of my own things until I’ve done all my work. This amounts to filming a few videos, and uploading them, but until I’ve done that, I find it very hard to justify writing blogs or even doing my own music videos that some of you may have seen.
On top of that, I’ve been giving some serious consideration as to where this blog is going to go in the future. I came to within one post of stopping this blog altogether and moving it to Wordpress because I thought I’d overextended the picture limit on Blogger; this turned out not to be the case, but I have some other things to think about as well. Obviously, I talk about video games nearly every week, but I find myself with a lot more things to say about hobby games as well, especially now I’m at the point in my life where I can play more of them – if in a slightly different way to how I’ve done it in the past! I’ve been playing a lot more games with my daughter, for example, and talking about that is usually on a very different level to talking about games I’ve been playing by myself on a console or computer.
So, I might do some less-regular blogs regarding certain other aspects of playing games. With the hobby games, I rarely find myself with enough to say in one week to justify doing a new blog, but maybe after a month I could find some things to say. Painting is another one, I go through batches of not painting anything at all but if I could get something done every month it might be the spur I need to proceed – and with the new 40K due in a few weeks, I’m going to need to get a move on with my painting! And I’m still hopeful that I might be able to do an entire campaigns worth of blogs on certain of my board games, though that’s still in the pipeline for now.

A beautiful but deadly game...
So, what I have I been playing lately?
Quite a few new games, actually. I downloaded Sine Mora on the Xbox 360 a week ago and I’ve had a go on it; it’s been a long time since I’ve played an honest-to-goodness shoot-em-up and I really enjoyed the opportunity to play it. It seems to have an interesting story as well, though it is also ferociously difficult after the first couple of levels. The time-based mechanics are interesting, and the shooting and boss battles are fun, so I’ll keep coming back to it whenever I need to let my brain unwind from the day!

My painting isn't as good as that!
I’ve also had a go with Warhammer Battlemarch, the Warhammer strategy game released on the Xbox 360. This game is probably the closest a relatively modern release got to Shadow of the Horned Rat, which I absolutely loved back in the day and still dip in to every now and then. You have an option to play through an Empire, Orc and Chaos campaign, and for now I favour the Empire (that was my army when I played Warhammer!) The interface is a massive faff, but I get used to it, and I’ve been using a rather slow-paced shooting strategy where I get close enough to the enemy for them to see me and approach, shoot them as much as I can and if there’s anything left when they get close enough, finish them off in close combat.

"In 1602, we sail the open seas..."
Finally, I’ve been playing Anno 1602 on the PC. I played a demo of this years ago, I think even before the millennium, and even though I hadn’t played it since I never forgot it and wanted to give it another go. It’s a great colonisation strategy game; it looks gentle, but it isn’t afraid to let you fail if you’re not careful!

[1] I’m not going to complain too much about that though, at least I’m working; some people aren’t so fortunate!

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