Thursday 9 June 2011

2/6/11 Pathfinder: Souls for Smuggler's Shiv

Not much to say about last week's escapade; there was no plot-bending revelations or nothing like that, it was mostly exploration and no small amount of fighting. We were also without Bronn/Garuda/Paul (for the purpose of the game all the same person) for tonight as he was off on his holidays, lucky for some. Picking up from a couple of weeks before, the Tengu had come on the ship called the Crow's Tooth, and seemed quite interested in us challenging the cannibals. Before we did that, however, we journeyed North towards the two islands at the North West section of the map in search of the lighthouse...

After crossing a slippery but nonetheless traversable causeway, we came upon an island literally covered in fungus and decay. The stench was appalling. We happened across a shipwreck - everything from the wood to the sails covered in fungus, but otherwise in good condition - which turned out to be the Night Voice, which was the ship our Gnome friend back at the camp was after. Investimagating the ship proved problematical as we were accosted by Vegipigmes, (sic) and fighting them was difficult for me as they were resistant to the piercing damage a Rapier would instigate. The best I could do in that situation was scurry around the back of the monsters and set up combat advantage; this worked very well except that no one was really rolling very well so it took a while anyway.

While investigating the ship, finding some documents of interest to the gnome, I remembered too late that I also had a Dagger+1, which can either be slashing or piercing and would have easily hurt the monsters. I kept that in mind as we came up on a pillar of fungus/stone, because whatever we found in there was unlikely to be good...

What we eventually found was a human skeleton covered in the fungus; it suddenly became animated and got us in a desperate battle. I tried my usual tactic of using my mobility to set up combat advantage, unfortunately this time I failed my tumble roll and fell flat on my face. This also left me open to the skeleton's tentacles, (yes, tentacles,) which proceded to gouge several large holes in me and leaving my character for dead...

The rest of the party killed it in the end and I've got a good friend in Gorman (Dave) who helped me with his healing powers once again. I suffered penalties to my stats but it was nothing a couple of days exploration wouldn't cure. Long story short, we eventually found ourselves at the south-west corner of the island, where there is a lighthouse, and what looks like a whole lot of cannibals...

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