Thursday 16 June 2011

9/6/2011: Pathfinder: Souls for Smuggler's Shiv

Once again I find myself behind with my blogs! However, with only 5 hours to go before my next gaming session, it's probably about time I updated you all on what went on last week. Warning: MAJOR spoilers here...

We finished last week outside the cannibal's camp, which was good because that's where the lighthouse is and also where our estranged captain and his girlfriend had apparently disappeared off to. Our party doesn't really have a fighter as such. We've found that our two monks, Garond and Bronn, are pretty handy in a fight, as is our ranger Rassdass. Traugan the half-orc mage has got it where it counts up close, as does my character Raziel, if only by being mobile enough to set up combat advantage. Gorman's never really much good up close but his cleric abilities more than make up for it in the aftermath. Nonetheless, we have thus far tried to avoid such tactics as marching directly into the enemy camp and expecting to win a fight. So we spent some time scouting out the area; finding out where the sentries are, using Gorman's detect alignment/chaos to find out where our enemies were likely to be. We came in from the East, where the lines were apparently thinnest, and attacked a small hut with a wizend old woman in there. It turns out that she's a mage and did some horrific things to our psyche by cackling and granting us all misfortune, however she couldn't stop the onslaught of several angry warriors and eventually fell.

Investigating the North we found our way blocked by a corral that apparently contained 4 skeletons. There was somthing about the general area in relation to the rest of the camp that made us feel it would be a bad idea to start any trouble at this time, so we scurried around to the South. We came upon a building that looked like it was a butchery of some description, where prisoners are kept and made to watch as their fellow captives are butchered and become dinner for the cannibals. We were heading ever onwards towards the area where the lighthouse was, killing a couple of cannibals along the way which, if I'm honest, didn't put up much of a fight. And then we happened upon the lighthouse itself...

This was a ferocious fight made all the more hard by our positioning. We were aware of a male and at least one female voice upstairs and Bronn, Garond and I snuck up the stairs to see what was going on. Unfortunately I fluffed my stealth roll and drew the attention to us, whereupon a man who looked like a stereotype Scottish Barbarian came charging down the stairs. A lot more tough and substantially more strong than the creatures we had encountered up to that point, the fact that we were fighting on the stairs of a lighthouse meant that only one of us at a time could effectively attack him. Raziel slunk back and covered the guy with his crossbow but the fact that there was always at least one person in front of him made this a very risky business indeed. Owing largely to the villian's penchant for smearing his opponent's blood all over himself, we eventually managed to wear him down and kill him without any losses to our own side. On going up the stairs, we found 4 young girls in a state of considerable distress. Calming them down, we learned that the two most prominent figures in the camp were the man we'd just killed, who was apparently the leader of the cannibals, and the witch we had killed earlier. We inferred that had we gone after the skeletons, we would have alerted the whole camp and had a much larger fight on our hands. And we also discovered that our captain and his lover had been here at some point, though they were not there now... We also found the room they had been staying in, and a shrine to some heathen God. We had the lighthouse, and as long as we can get it to work we have the means to escape the island. However, we had a feeling that this wasn't over just yet...

We assumed to kill all the cannibals, and on inspection of the camp found a hole in the ground we felt worthy of investigating. Underneath the camp we found a network of tunnels on which we discovered, amongst other things, a note, apparently from our captain. It turns out his lover, Ileana (I think) is a serpentine demon and he was under her ruse for most of the time since she boarded the ship. It was her influence that caused the captain to wreck the ship and cast us all off. Eventually, she betrayed the Captain, who in the note reckoned he was well on his way to becoming some sort of undead. And we learned that she was now headed west towards the Red Mountain to complete her work. The captain offered his apologies and beseeched us to kill her... We found a old and sinister serpetine cathederal, where we came upon the sort of spell that Ileana is trying to cast. We could let her do it... but with one more week to go, hunting her down and killing her just seems the right thing to do.

Incidently we found the captain in the not-entirely-surprising form of a ghoul. Killed him, obviously. It occurs to me now that the original plan was to kill us all and it was only by the intervention of the first mate that we and the NPCs survived. Even if we kill Ileana, the real hero of the story will be him...

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