Friday 18 March 2011

17/3/2011: Space Hulk

So it was with a fresh air of determination that Dave and I decided to plunge headlong into Suicide Misson, new strategies in mind, in the hope that one of us would be able to win it...

Dave went first, and his idea was to avoid the bottleneck entirely and concentrate on securing the room at the bottom of the map. I was unsure of this at first as he'd advanced 2 of his Space Marines into the corridor, and moved the rest forward in a slow methodical way. However when I pounced on the two Marines in the corridor he quickly turned back in to the room and decided to make a stand. It worked for a while; it's a long corridor and a lot of rounds of overwatch for a Tryanid to get through, but in the end it didn't come through for him. I've said it before but not for nothing; if games of Space Hulk come down to a war of attrition, in most cases the Space Marines haven't got a chance of winning, and in the end Dave's tactics only really helped him for as long as it took me to break through. It was several turns before I did, and I have a feeling it was only because Dave was plagued with Jams all through the game, but...

My game was more objective-focussed, and in the light of what went on in our previous match, I decided to avoid the "rear-guard" tactic and move all my Terminators up in unisen, turning around to fire if need be. This worked until I got the squad up to the first T-junction, at which point the problems began. By then, Dave had moved his Genestealers worryingly close, and I tried to turn left at the T-junction, which with a corner and a door was the route that afforded more cover. In hindsight that was probably my biggest mistake; what with Terminators being comeplete hulking lummoxes and having to use one of their action points to turn around, I choked my force into the bottleneck again. I put 2 of the Terminators on guard watching the rear of the Flamer - again, that only helped me for as long as it took Dave to break through, which in this case wasn't long. Sergeant Lorenzo made a good go of it, using his experience and parry rule to great effect in close combat, but even that guy can't hold out for ever. In the end, only Zael was left, by which time he was acting as the rear-guard by flaming the t-junction. The only way he was going to manage it was by close-combating the remaining Tyranids in his path while flaming the sections directly behind him, it didn't work, but can't fault him for trying.

Next time Dave, NEXT TIME!!! I shall probably try moving all the Space Marines up to the crossroads at the top of the map and turn them round there; they may fare better if they don't have to perform so many manourvres to reach their objective.. It will be a Tyranid-infested hell, but after all, I only need 2 of them to still be alive by the time they get there...

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