Wednesday 5 February 2014

Dnd Next: Is it any good? Part 5

This week, my blog focusses less on the actual rules, most of which have been covered, and more on the way some of those rules can apply.

Before we kicked off last week's session, one of my players who's playing the Human Fighter asked if we could come up with a way of using a rope as a lasso. The concept was that she'd spent some downtime between adventures on a ranch, and learned how to do it. There is no specific rule yet that covers this sort of thing, but thankfully I found that the rules were flexible enough to make it work:

What I decided to do is to run it as a modified grapple attack. Usually this would work with a contest between the Attacker's Strength and his target's Strength or Dexterity, whichever was higher. I decided to do the same except that the attack was ranged (didn't decide on a maximum range but I reckon half the length of the rope ought to do it) so the contest would start from the attacker's Dexterity. So, in effect, using the rope in this way is a ranged grapple. This gives my player less chance at success - his DEX is lower than his STR - but he can attempt to do it at a range.

I also said at the time that if the target's Dexterity bonus was higher or lower than the player's, then I'd apply an advantage or disadvantage either way. On reflection I don't think I'll be doing this as the advantage caused by the different attributes would be represented by the contest.

And that's about all I've got to say on that subject this week! Short, I know, but not much else came up as it wasn't a particularly combat-heavy session.

See you next week!


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