Thursday 20 June 2019

Last Week's Games: Spiderman, Reigns, Bubble Bath Bunny and Roleplaying Speculation

Spins a web, any size...
I find myself at a point I knew I was going to run into when I started the blog again – not picking up a new game every week means that sometimes I have to search to find something interesting to say! I’ve been playing Spiderman a lot, of course, but that’s been the case for weeks now. I’m getting quite close to the end-game, and I want to make sure I’ve at least done everything else I need to do before I get there. I also researched the trophies available for the game to find out what the hidden ones were, as I don’t want to get bogged down by having to look for them. One of them requires you to visit Uncle Ben’s grave, I’d never have thought of that! It’s looking like I’m going to need at least one more play-through to 100% clear the game, because I need to beat it on New Game + mode at maximum difficulty, but it appears as though all your unlocks, suits etc. are carried over into the new game so I only need to focus on the story elements; less of the faff that comes with open world games!
Looks basic, but surprisingly addictive...
I also had a go with Reigns, a whimsical game which I must have talked about in the past at some point but I don’t know when. (I usually name the text documents I write these blogs on after the games I’ve been playing in the week; that combined with the date stamp on the file usually gives me a useful clue but I don’t always write all the games down!) It’s a game where you are the king, and every year you have to make a decision based on what an advisor or character has told you. Each decision affects your kingdom in four different ways: Religion, People, Military and Money, and if one of those indicators reaches the bottom, you die. You are then replaced by a different king and you start all over again. I usually play this when I’ve got half an hour or so to spare at work; it appears to be an unlock-fest rather than any particularly-driven plot, but it’s fun for a while, even if the interface and control method lends itself better to a mobile game (which it is.)
During her first game...
When my daughter stayed with me over the weekend we played Bubble Bath Bunny, a board game I bought at the UK Games Expo. I won’t say too much about it as I want to do a full review of it at some point, but it’s a memory game aimed at very young children; ages 2 and up. You roll a lovely big dice and try to pick up a face-down token that matches colour or symbol. We have a lot of fun playing it, and even though Jessie can only really manage one round before she starts to lose concentration, she is equally happy playing, winning or losing. That’s the mark of a good game, I think!
Mad as a fish. And so is Xanathar,
I’ve been reading a lot of the Dungeons and Dragons rulebooks, and watching a lot of Taking20 videos about Dungeons and Dragons while wishing I had time to play it. While I still run Pathfinder for some friends from time to time (and indeed will be doing so next week so I might actually have something interesting to say about it,) I do miss playing on a weekly basis; work and family commitments got in the way of my regular group so I don’t go anymore. I’m particularly enjoying Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, mainly for the little remarks Xanathar makes throughout the book which are amusing but also a salient representation of how a monster might react to human-level conventions! I also discovered through the videos the potential for Multi-classing, which is something I’ve been against up until now but I’m starting to recognise some of it’s potential for combining effects! It will be a long time, if ever, before I return to playing role-playing games on a regular basis but I hope that when I do, I can bring some of those mechanical concepts to life while my character remains a convincing-enough entity to role-play.

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